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Website Maintenance

By subscribing into a website maintenance plan, we can help your website keep up with the ever-changing and evolving industry. Our web maintenance packages cover everything that your website may need - technical updates, backups, analytics monitoring and content updates.

Well Maintained Website

Improve Performance

Performance improvement is one of the most obvious reasons but it is not the only one.

Search Friendly

Google favors websites with regularly updated and optimized content. It’s not about the individual ranking factor but about the over-all perceived credibility of your website that makes it rank so well in SERPs.

Customer Friendly

A well-maintained and optimized website attracts new customers and consistently engages existing customers.

Future Ready

Your website needs to evolve with the time. It can be as simple as keeping up with design trends or new functionality that helps you better meet the demands of customers. These changes can help your website grow with your business.

Basic Website Updates

  1. Improvements based on visitor or customer feedback. These improvements may include site performance, navigation, and general user experience.
  2. New product and existing product updates. You will probably need to update existing products or add new products. Some products also need to be removed or replaced.
  3. Another update that you will regularly need is product updates for promotions. This involves short-term price discounts, bundles, or shipping promos.
  4. The platform or extensions your website is using gets  regularly updated. We ensure the your website gets updates as well after making the required backups.

Content Updates

These updates often involve the adding, editing, replacing, or deleting of the following:

  • Text
  • Photos or images
  • Videos
  • Links
  • Forms
  • Individual pages
  • Navigational elements
  • Downloadable files

Maintenance packages also include standard support services like email and mobile support. Website maintenance costs vary, mainly because of the amount of ongoing maintenance work that your website needs.